As long as you are a supporting member of our community, you have free access to our Law of Attraction leveled courses. From beginner-friendly introductions to advanced mastery classes, we offer a rich learning experience that caters to all levels of spiritual seekers. Learning how to meditate and achieve proper focus leading to spiritual awakening is the goal of these courses. Simply click the link for the course you wish to study and enter the password you received in your membership welcome email to access course material.
We suggest taking the courses in the order they are listed, starting with Level 1 and working your way through to Level 7. This is the best way to learn how to meditate. Each level includes a brief workbook that typically takes a few weeks to faithfully work through and put into practice if you are sincerely focusing on the reading and associated assignments and tasks. Do not rush these courses. You will receive a comprehensive set of guidelines via email from Kaisan Daniel instructing you on best practices for taking the courses after your become a member.
Members who wish to have real-time, face to face coaching sessions with our founder should visit the "Coaching" link for more information. We also encourage you to establish in-person member communities where you live in order to study and practice the levels together on a regular basis.
Usui Reiki Leveled Courses
Level 1 (Shoden) is a practitioner's initiation into Reiki and is open to anyone. The focus during Level 1 is on opening the energy channels on a physical level, allowing the practitioner to connect to the universal life force energy, which flows from the cosmos through the crown of the head and down to the heart and hands. Many Reiki masters emphasize self-reiki as the goal of the Level 1 designation, encouraging students to focus on practicing Reiki on themselves, thereby working through their own obstacles. Typically the Level 1 course also includes an overview of the history of Reiki. Due to the intensity of the attunement process, some Reiki masters recommend that at least 21 days to a full three months pass between receiving the Level 1 and Level 2 attunements (Level 1 is required to receive Level 2).
Level 2 (Okuden) gives students the skills to practice Reiki on others and open energy channels more deeply. Students also receive their symbols during this level. There are five symbols in Reiki and each one corresponds to a specific energy (power, harmony, distance, mastery, and completion). Students are expected to use these symbols to bring the universal energy of Reiki into their everyday lives in more practical ways. The symbols can also help people provide Reiki over long distances or send healing energy wherever it may be needed in the world. It is recommended to take at least six months to one year between your Level 2 and Advanced training, to allow the lessons you just learned to really sink in.
In many courses, the Third Degree Advanced / Shinpiden) and Reiki Master are the same designation. However, we separate Advanced Level 3 from Reiki Master. The Reiki Master Level is traditionally considered the teacher's level, and masters are able to walk away and attune new Reiki practitioners. However, many receive the master attunement, along with the corresponding symbol, yet don't feel comfortable or practiced in properly attuning others—hence the distinction between Third Degree and Reiki Master.
Becoming a Reiki master also represents a deep commitment to the reiki practice, we feel that significant time should pass between achieving the Third Degree status and Master Level (at least one year). The Reiki levels provide a general organization of the progression of reiki mastership.